Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 08/22/2013

The things that I'm particularly thankful for this week...

1. Running into an old friend that I haven't seen in forever, and the enthusiastic embraces that followed.

2. Long, goofy/angsty, girly chats with my most awesome roomie, Boots.

3. Yelling "Love you!" across the street to my name twin ;)

4. Random texts from mah Bestie about how we're going to be crazy chicken ladies not crazy cat ladies when we grow old together.

5. Singing "Oceans" by Hillsong United at the top of my lungs in my car. (Especially the "Yeah, yeah" part.)

(Have a listen.)
6. Reading through the Psalms, and the peace and encouragement that those Words bring me.

7. Buffy binge watching.

8. Peanut Butter Cheerios.

9. Finally getting back into "the get my butt out of bed and go for my morning walk" groove again.

10. The enthusiasm and fire that the youth at my church have... even though they wear me out just watching them and make me feel a wee bit old...

There you have it! Hope all my 'Bots are having fantastic day, and thanks for reading.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 08/15/2013

Music: Way I Am - Ben Rector

Well Thankful Bots, we're halfway through August...sheesh. That's all I have to say to that! Though, I'm sure Moms throughout the land are rejoicing because their precious little ones are finally returning to school, ( and all the Mamas heaved a huge sigh of relief...) For this episode of Thankful Thursdays I'm going to try something a little different. I'm going to do a little photo collage of some pics that show you, my readers, some things for which I'm thankful (I'm sure this will be a nice little break from my usual wordiness.). Hope you like! As always feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 08/08/2013

Folks, we're in August in the name of Gallifrey did that happen?! As one of my favorite bloggers, Angela over at Birdie Belle puts it "I don't know where you live, but for those of us who live in Northwest Montana heading into August means we have roughly 19 hours of summer left." Click here to read the full post, you won't be sorry! She's hi-larious! In fact, you should just probably read all her posts. She's that awesome. Anywho, summer does seem to winding down rapidly. The light is changing. Up in the higher elevations the leaves are already getting a yellowish tint. The sun is coming up later and setting earlier. Fall's a-coming! Even though I'm completely not ready to have winter again, I do love fall. In fact, it's my favorite season. So in reality, I'm not too sad to have summer leave us. Enough of seasonal stuff, let's get on to the thanksgivings.

1. The satisfaction of getting back to my normal routine. Vacations are wonderful, but they're not exactly the most relaxing. For a this quasi-introvert, there's nothing like coming home, getting back to work mode, and just chilling at home during the evenings. It may sound boring to some, but to me one the best ways to spend an evening is at home with the roomie, the cat, and the Netflix. This is pretty much me every day...

2. My friend/co-worker/comrade in arms, Camie. Our poor boss didn't know what he was in for when he put the two of us together. He knows now, but it's too late to change anything! Muahahahahah!!! We...ahem...share (vent/complain) with each other our difficult patient interactions. We have very similar tastes when it comes to mostly everything...except chocolate. I adore it. Camie could take it or leave it. That's just weird to me, but then no one is perfect ;) We swoon together over Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston. We're both book fiends. She's a fellow snark-er. Camie is an amazing seamtress and knitter. Like mind blowing good...cray cray good...for reals. She's someone who will listen to all your problems, give you great advice, but also call you on your crap if need be (The world needs more people like this). She's just all around pretty awesome. Camie, I know you may never see this, but on some off chance that you do just know that you bless my socks off, and I love you to bits!

(This is where a picture of Camie would go, but I don't have one. Sadness...)

3. Going into my hometown library, knowing all the librarians (all three of them) by name, and them knowing me by name...priceless.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Catching Up

Music: Viva la Vida - Coldplay
           Lay 'em Down - Needtobreathe

Well, hello there! It's been a bit since I've posted, but I was on vacation last week. I decided that spending time with my family in the real world was more important than posting a new entry. Sorry! Also, I apologize that this is not going to be one of my normal "Thankful Thursdays" posts. Sorry again. If the word "family" caught your attention, yes, my parents, brothers, and I went on our first family vacation in I don't know how many years. Besides a few moments were no one wanted to make a decision (one of the brothers coined the phrase "passive perfectionists" to describe all us), it was awesome. Four days on the Oregon coast = perfection. Plus, it was really fun going on a trip together where everyone is an adult (well, in age, but not behavior). I saw light houses, beaches of all shapes and varieties, seals, enough sea gulls to last a lifetime, ate waaaaaay too much (trying to get back on the healthy eating bandwagon again has pretty much been a lost cause this week), visited Voodoo doughnuts and the Goonies house (!!!!!!!!!! I was in movie nerd heaven), read Anne of Green Gables for the 100th time, and just generally laughed at my families antics.

Since our return back to reality, I've been trying to catch up with everything. Honestly, it's kind of hard. Work...what??!! Bills don't take a vacation...ppssshhttt, how rude! Going to bed at a decent hour....okay, well that's not too hard for me. Anywho, that's why I'm not posting a full post today. Hopefully, next week I'll be back to normal (well, normal for me. I'm not most people's definition of normal.). I'll leave you with a few photos to give you a taste of our trip.

(Oh heeeey, just hanging at Voodoo Doughnuts, y'all.)

(An 80's child's dream, the actual Goonies House)

(Stupid birds followed us would think we're by the ocean or something.)
