Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Thoughts on True Love...

Singles Awareness Day (aka Valentine's Day) is coming up, and as my Facebook friends can attest to I'm already getting especially snarky and sarcastic about it. It's a rough time of year to be eternally single. Hearts make me angry. Every single one of Cupid's arrows should be snapped in half, and his bow put where the sun doesn't shine (sorry, Mom). Roses infuriate me. Teenagers proclaiming their love on social media makes me vomit. Yes folks, this is when you see Bitter Manda rear her ugly, snarling head.

 So, as usual, the Lord in His infinite wisdom and timing takes these moments of self pity and loneliness, slaps me upside the head and reminds me "Daughter, it's not about you. Let Me show you what true earthly love is."

Two couples walked into my office today. One was a couple who have been married for almost sixty years! Hold on. Did you hear that? Sixty years! Let me put that into a little perspective. This couple married in the early fifties. As a married couple, they've seen four wars. Seen the stock market crash multiple times. In 1954, the average annual household income was under $4,000.00. Gasoline cost $.21 a gallon. A loaf of bread was $.17. A stamp was $.03. The advances in technology they've seen is mind boggling. They've had their son pass away in the past year. Serious health issues have come up. Yet, through it all, this sweet couple still delight in each other. They poke each other, make fun of each other, express their concern for each other, and laugh through it all. Every time I see them in the office, they're laughing. Can you image it? Almost sixty years together, and still laughing as if they're eighteen. I just want to sit at their feet and say "Teach me. I want to be your padawan....(Yes, I know, a Star Wars reference, but I did warn you. I'm a nerd.)"

The other couple, oh, this other couple...These two break my heart, inspire me, and convict me of my selfishness all at the same time. They've been married for over fifty years, and they too have, obviously, seen a lot of change in the world. What sets them apart is the husband has a very serious degenerative condition that causes him to not be able to walk without a guiding hand. He cannot hold his head up properly and he can no longer speak. His wife has become his primary care giver. Her husband can no longer be the strong shoulder. She has to shoulder it all. Yet, instead of becoming bitter or treating her husband as a child, she still includes him in everything. She asks him his opinion about all their decisions in our office, even though he can only  answer with a nod or shake of the head. She respects him. She never belittles or talks down to him. He, in turn, is always smiling at her. When she leaves the room, and then returns you see him light up! Even sweeter is the laughter they share together. Like my other couple, they too can still laugh with each other. I wish every young couple could spend time with these two and learn from them.

My last example is my very own parents. They are my constant reference for true love. My parents have been through a lot together in their almost 34 years as a married couple. Emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial hardships have bombarded their marriage, and through it all they've grown in Christ and their relationship. Every year, they fall deeper in love. She's his "wiffey", and he's her "pukey bear". If you ask them how they've made it so long, they'll immediately give all the glory to Christ and tell you that it's only through Him. Guys, I'm so blessed to have them as my parents, and I hope they know that they're an amazing blessing to me and so many others.

My final thoughts are this. True love means laughing together every day. True love means sacrificing your comfort in order to care for your love. True love means giving not taking. True love means growing in Christ and growing in your love for each other. What are your thoughts? What does true love mean to you? I would    love to hear!

I'll leave you with these pics of my favorite couple. Enjoy!


P.S. I promise. I will do a foodie post soon. Promise, promise, promise!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's in a name...

So you might be saying to yourself "What in the heck is a 'sassy wallflower'?" Well. It's me. It's how I see myself. Yes, it's kind of an oxymoron, but still I think it's the best way to describe who I am. A couple of months ago a dear friend told me that I was an extroverted introvert. It's true! I love being with people, particularly those near and dear to me, but I love being by myself just as much. I can get up in front of a crowd and make a perfect fool of myself during a skit. Put me in an unfamiliar group of people, and I clam up or make conversation with the nearest pet. I can be singing 80's power ballads at the top of my lungs with my girlfriends at Target one day, and the next all I want to do is stay home and watch Doctor Who for hours on end.

I've always been like this. When I was little, I would only talk to family, but with family I was loud and probably obnoxious. A complete "ham" as my aunt called me. As a teenager, I was more comfortable with adults than my peers. Even as an adult I can be completely silly with a group of ladies, but around the opposite sex, I tend to do the "icy, silent, no eye contact thing" because I feel so awkward. Crazy, I know, but that's just me :)

So there you have it the origins of The Sassy Wallflower. Thank you for listening.

See you soon (hopefully with a cooking adventure!),

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Well hello, there!

Welcome, welcome!!

Yes, I've decided to join the world of blogging. I'm a little late to the game, but hey, at least I showed up at the's with the sports analogies? Any who, you're probably wondering what this blog is going to be about. Glad you asked! I plan on sharing thoughts, stories and things that make me smile or think. These will include recipes I've tried or made up, nerdy delights, and hopefully some serious items too.

See you again soon!