Wednesday, May 27, 2015

When A Compliment Goes Too Far...

I've talked a lot about my "Road To a Fitter Me" (sorry, I went full on cheesy there) on here. I know you may be tired of hearing about it (if so, just ignore this post.), but for me it's a type of release. A way to gather and speak my thoughts on this life change I've been on for over 2 years now. I've talked about my ups and downs. My triumphs and failures. My reactions to my changing body and others reactions to it.

As I've said before, most of time, people have been amazingly encouraging and supportive. Honestly, the outpouring of love is overwhelming at times. I get a little verklempt thinking about it.

But every once and a while a person commenting on my body goes a little too far... It starts to edge into the uncomfortable zone of compliments.

For example, the other day at work an older lady came in for some glasses adjustments. This was the third time this month she had been in, and each time she just kept gushing over me.

The first time was fine. She hadn't seen me for a while, and she was very sweet. She told me "You look so great! Good for you!" All very normal. I smiled and thanked her, and she went on her way.

Two weeks later she was in again for another adjustment, and this time she brought a friend.

"I've been telling my friend about you, and I just had to bring her in to show her how much weight you've lost!! I just can't get over how much you've changed. I mean, wow! You've lost a lot weight! I can't get over it!"

Her friend replied "Yeah! I think you need to be my best friend, and tell me all your secrets! You look so great. You must tell me what you're doing!!!"


At this point I started to sympathize with zoo animals and members of an old school carnival freak show. I felt like slapping a sign on my chest that read: STEP RIGHT UP, FOLKS AND GAWK IN AMAZEMENT AT THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN! FOR ONLY ONE NICKLE YOU TOO CAN SEE THIS STRANGE CREATURE!

Instead, I laughed my patented polite, nervous laugh, and rattled off my usual spiel about walking and eating better. Then I thanked them and walked/scurried back to my office area. All the while I'm thinking "Weird. What in the heck was that?!"

Last week she came in for the third time, and for the third time all she could talk about was me and how I had changed. "I still can't get over it! You just look so different! You've lost so much weight. Just wow!" And then. "How much weight have you lost????? You must have lost a lot!!"

Okay stop right there. Now, I don't mind at all if friends ask me that question, but someone I barely know and on a professional level no less? Really? That just seems so bizarre to me, and frankly, it's none of their business. I would never ask a cashier at the grocery store or my librarian a question like that.

Did I tell her? Yes, I did because I was at work, dang it, and my boss doesn't pay me to dish out snarky replies like "Mind your own business, you nosy old biddy!" Also, my parents raised me to be polite to my elders.

After she left (after a couple more awkward compliments), I started to think about why this bothered me so much.

It boiled down to this. Her compliments made me feel that because I had lost some weight, I became a better person in her eyes. Like I was finally worthy of attention. 

Did she mean it? Most likely not, but that was how I felt. Before I had lost weight, I don't ever remember her complementing me on my appearance, and now it was all she could talk about.

It made me feel uncomfortable, and little niggling doubts about my worth wanted to creep into my heart. 

Look. I get it. We live in an appearance driven world. Everywhere we turn there are magazines, ads, and billboards screaming at us to sign up for this booty boot camp. 

Try these crunches to have sexy toned abs. 

Take this pill to trim those child bearing hips. 

What? Do you really want stay looking like your farmer wives ancestors?! No man will ever find you attractive looking like that.

Seriously. Ugh.

In reality, a person is still the same person whether or not they've lost a bunch of weight. 

I'm still the same person.

I'm still the same quirky, awkward, nerd girl who posts way too many pictures of baked goods she's made on her Instagram account.

And you know what? 

I. Have. Worth. 

God sees me as his beautiful daughter and worthwhile. 

My family sees me as beautiful and worth it. 

My friends see me as beautiful and worth it, though the baked goods may help with that.

It took checking those doubts, and reminding myself of my worth no matter what my size or number on the scale. I have the assurance that my Jesus, my family, and my closest friends love me no matter what I look like to the rest of the world. And that my dear readers is all that matters.

P.S. Please don't think I'm trying to tell anyone that they shouldn't compliment someone who's lost weight. I'm not. 

Anyone who's going through any big lifestyle renovation i.e. losing weight, quitting smoking/drinking/drug use, or dealing with a hard family situation needs encouragement. They need people coming alongside them to cheer them on, or just give them a hug. 

Just... please, don't be weird about it. 

Remember. Words can either harm or heal. Use them wisely.


P.S.S.S.Sorry Cosmo Health USA, but I'm pretty sure this butt and these hips will still be with me no matter what. Blame it on my Northern European/Viking warrior woman genes. And hey, read a book. Those warrior women were pretty awesome, so I'm good with that.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Bloomsday, Baby!

As a lot of you know, last weekend I walked my first Bloomsday (craziness!!), which is a 12k walk/run.

 To celebrate, I thought I would share a little picture journey of the experience with you...(why did I suddenly give myself some early 80's nostalgia with that line? *shrugs* maybe I was subjected to too many slide shows in school...)

The week leading up to Bloomsday my lovely future sis in law surprised me with a different present each day to keep me motivated! She's pretty amazing.

Day 1: My favorite flavor of taffy (which is peppermint, in case you were wondering)

Day 2: She brought me my favorite latte (white chocolate, again in case you were curious)

Day 3: Peanut Butter Protein Power

Day 4: A new bandana in my favorite color (bandanas are required for any activity that involves hiking and/or a walk/run that is measured by kilometers.)

Day 5: A mini walking path..."Walking is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and for your feet. It's also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed." - Charles Schulz

Day 6: Fancy new socks (they're super comfy, by the way)

I'm saving Day 7 until the end

Now for race time!

I'm told that carb loading is a thing some professionals do so of course we had to as well. Proscuitto Wrapped Chicken and Lemon Butter Pasta. It was amazing!

A pre-race worship service.

I asked my Dad to do Bloomsday with me, and since I'm his favorite daughter, he couldn't say no...muahahahahahahahaha!!

Lego dudes! Apparently, wearing a costume is a thing for Bloomsday. I may have to rethink my attire for next year.

The start line! At this point tens of thousand of people had already crossed the line and the winner of Bloomsday had already been across the finish for about 15 minutes...I tried not to think about that.

Here's a better view of the start line taken by one of the professional Bloomsday photographers.

Finally starting the race!

Another pic of a costumed racer...maybe I'll plan for Doctor Who themed ensemble next year...Allons-y!!

Eye of the Tiger, folks! Honestly, I got a little emotional at the finish line. Two and half years ago, I would have never dreamed of being able to do something like Bloomsday. Now I have my first one under my belt, and I'm planning on doing it again next year.

We made it!! Just don't ask us to do anything else very fast right now. We're in full on sloth mode at this point.

My treat for finishing: my favorite drink from my favorite coffee chain.

Now for Day 7: Chelsey gave me this gorgeous charm after the race.

If you're betting that this made me tear up, you win all the prizes!

There's no way in the world I could have done this without the support of my awesome family and amazing friends. I had two sweet friends give up their afternoons and evenings to do practice walks with me to help me get ready for the the big day. I had my small group praying that I would cross the finish line, and I had people calling, texting, and messaging me with encouraging words. It was insane!

The outpouring of love knocked my socks off! Thank you all!!!! 

Shirley is my spirit animal.