Thursday, April 2, 2015

So I quit (most) social media for a month... Part 2

These are the voyages of a confessed Pinterest addict, expert Facebook stalker, and Tumblr fangirl who decided to quit her social media loves for a month. Herein you will find the chronicles of that month long journey... the good, the bad, and the whining.

Day 1: Besides an occasional finger twitch to check my phone's notifications, not too bad...except Once Upon A Time is back from its' hiatus and I CAN'T CHECK TUMBLR TO SEE ALL THE NEW FAN THEORIES, FANART AND FANFICS... but really I'm doing fine.

Day 3: Went to Facebook stalk someone, and realized that I couldn't... Just shed an imaginary tear.(insert sad emoticon face here).

Day 5: Finished binge watching the web series The Lizzie Bennett Diaries (for the second time) and The Autobiography of Jane Eyre. Now contemplating binging on Emma Approved. Am now 17 episodes into Emma Approved.

Day 7: Went to show a friend a Pin, but had to slowly BACK AWAY FROM THE PHONE.

Day 8: Finished all 87 episodes of Emma Approved. Now what?

Day 9: Because I'm no longer being sucked into the social media black hole, I'm sorting through my enormous backlog of Taste of Home and Simple and Delicious in the name of Serenity have I collected so many?!

Day 11: I think today's the first day I haven't been aching to check Pinterest. Not that I'm not longing to pin all the vintage Easter cards and spring desserts pins I can find, 'tis the season after all, but I'm okay not doing it.

Day 12: Received this email notification from Facebook...

(Facebook, I think you might have more of a problem with me than I do with you...)

Day 15: Halfway done!! It's kind of crazy, but the urge to to do my habitual evening interwebs browsing is almost...gone. Whoa.
(Baby Tom, you are adorable.)

Day 18: I have several friends who have birthdays this month and not being able to wish them "Happy Birthday" on Facebook feels kind of strange. I'm going to have to do something drastic like text, call or even...send them a card (!!) to wish them "Happy Birthday". What?!

Day 20: I broke my vow. I sneaky sneaked my way onto Facebook. It was only to wish my Canadian friend "Happy Birthday". I don't have international texting, and that was the only way I could be sure she would get my birthday love. I didn't check a single notification even though I was sorely tempted. Seriously. I did not. That red notification flag was taunting me, but I said "NO."

Day 23: So far I wouldn't say I'm more productive since I cut out the Big Three, but I would say my evenings feel a little more relaxed, strangely enough.

Day 27: Finished one blog post, and began the finishing touches on two others. Also 3/4 of the way through my Hobbit cross stitch project. Okay, so the creative juices are starting to flow now that I'm almost done with my challenge? Way to go, Creative Juices. Way. To. Go.

Day 28: Today is mah birthday, and I'm struggling with feelings of guilt for not saying thank you to the people writing Happy Birthday wishes on my Facebook wall.

Day 30: Today I had the pleasure of being at the hospital with two friends as they welcomed their precious baby girl into the world. Feelings of missing social media were far, far, away. Any app or website pales in comparison to this moment. This is what life is about.

Day 31: LAST DAY!!! I'll be honest the temptation of "Oh, I'm basically done with this challenge. Go ahead and check Pinterest. It's totally fine. In fact, I deserve it!"is strong today. I will resist.

Aaaaand I did. Boo-yah!! Thirty one days without The Big Three, and I survived!!

So what did I learn from this little experiment?

1. No having a reason to constantly check my device for notifications is freeing.

2. Not being in front of a flickering screen all evening long is lovely.

3. I'm resolved to cut my evening web browsing to 1-2 hours maximum.

4. Am I free from the allure of Pinterest? Did you miss my Day 31 entry? No. I still love it, and can't wait to look up new Easter brunch recipes.

5. Will I take another social media sabbatical in the near future? As the Minnesotan blood in me says "Yeah sure, you betcha!".

6. Realizing how much time I spend online was mortifying, but the knowledge that I could break free from it for a whole stinkin' month was empowering.

7. Am I a better conversationalist? I think so, but if I'm talking with you and you see me to start reach for my phone to do more than check the time, I give you the freedom to slap the phone out of my hands.

As much as I've whined and complained, overall this has been an awesome learning experience for me, and I challenge you, my lovely readers, to do same. It doesn't have to My Big Three. We all have our own Big Three that consume us. It could be Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, a certain show, a particular sport you follow, TV in general, gaming, or even texting.

Trust me. It will be hard, but it will be worthwhile. If I can do it, I know you can. I have faith in you. Now go forth and do the thing!

Oh, and please feel free to tell me if you do decide to do the thing because I would love to be able to encourage you in your thing doing process.

(Doctor, I can always count on you to do the thing...)

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

So I quit (most) social media for a month... Part 1

A couple of my friends are in the middle of doing a seven month lifestyle challenge inspired by this book:

Out of curiosity I thought "What the heck? I'll give it a read and see what all the fuss is about. I could use a new book to change up my usual literature playlist. It probably won't impact me like it did them."


Famous last words. 

This book. Man, oh man. 

Peeps, I loved it. 

Jen Hatmaker speaks my language. In fact, despite her love of reality TV, I'm pretty sure we could be friends. She's hilarious, real, raw, and inspiring. She's even a bit of a foodie. This lady is my kind of people.

In the book, the author explores the attitude of excess that is so prevalent in American culture, and her own personal convictions about how she's bought into it. She identifies seven, hence the title, areas of excess in her life, and takes seven months to focus on them. One area per month.

Every single chapter in this book made me stop and examine my own life. My spending habits, how I take my access to fresh food for granted, how much stuff I own, and how much time I waste in mindless social media browsing.

Out of all the areas she focused on (Sorry Jen, only eating seven things or wearing seven items of clothing is just not happening right now.) the issue of social media impacted me the most.

If I stop and really think about it, the time I spend online is embarrassing.

No really, it is.

If I let myself, I can easily waste away 3-4 hours in an evening browsing the Pinter-nets and Tumblr, and not even think twice about it.


As Susan Powters used to scream at us 90's kids "STOP THE INSANITY!" (Yeah, I went there! What?)

(Trust me. It was all the rage.)

Talk about your social media black hole.

There are so many other things on which I could spend my time.

I could read more.

Revel in the mild winter we've been experiencing.

I could spend time writing new blog posts...shocker!

Finish some stitching projects.

Actually cook some new recipes instead of just pinning new recipes.

Carry on a complete conversation instead of periodically checking my phone to see if I have a new re-pin, like, or re-blog.

Carry on a complete conversation...

When did I get so obsessed with an inanimate object that I couldn't talk to a real live human being without checking or at least wanting to check it every 10 minutes...sometimes less?

How pathetic is that?

With all these realizations, I decided that I needed to put what I had just read into action. I needed to take a break. A little shake up was in order.

It was time to say goodbye, if only for a month, to my three biggest time wasters. Catch ya later, Facebook. Farewell, Pinterest. So long, Tumblr.

So on February 28, I turned off notifications, deleted bookmarks, cleared my browsing history, hid app icons, took one last look at my social media loves, and on March 1 faced a world free from The Big Three.

How did I do? Well, tune it for Part 2 to find out.