Friday, January 22, 2016

The Perks of Being Single (and a Bonus Rant To Boot)

Music: Scared by Judah & the Lion
           Go Quietly by Cold War Kids
           Feeling Good (Bassnectar Remix) by Nina Simone

I know I complain about being single, but honestly most of the time, singleness is... pretty flippin' awesome!

But sometimes, that awesomeness is swallowed up by society screaming at you that you're a waste as a human being because you haven't found your special unicorn yet.

In that light, I thought I would list some of the things that make singledom fantastic, but first, could all you "coupled up" people out there please do three teeny tiny favors for us singles?

Side note: Two of these apply specifically to people who attend church frequently.

First. Please for the love of Gallifrey, do not stick anyone over the age of 23 in the "college group" just because that happens to be only other small group that has singles.


Dude, I have 12-15 years on these kids! Most of them still have the scent of their high school locker wafting off their jackets. I mean, in some cases I'm almost the same age as their mothers. (Holy crap, I almost gave myself a heart attack there.) Not they're not amazing people, we're just not in the same space in our lives.

Church, there's no need to separate the married and unmarried. We can talk to and relate with couple type people just fine. It's not like we're Zocci from the planet Sto or anything (Hey yo! Whovian references being thrown down).

Second. Do not assume that because I'm an unmarried female of a certain age that somehow I'm dying for a maternal fix, and "You should sign up for nursery, and children's church, and VBS and Kid's Club and..."

Look. Kids are amazing. I love chatting with them, seeing how creative they are and listening to their funny stories. I'm so excited to be an auntie whenever that day comes.



I have no need for a kid fix. My ovaries are not bursting at the sight of every baby. My biological clock may be ticking, but I'm kind of waving at it as it's passing me by (sorry, Mom.)

Third. Do not assume that because I'm single that I'm somehow incomplete. 

Do I want to be married? Yes. Do I feel unfufilled because I'm not? No. Do I feel like I'm less of a person because I'm single? NO. So don't treat me that way.

Also please don't give me condescending brush offs like: "You can't understand how hard life can be until you're married. It's work. Back breaking, soul aching work." 

Wow. You're really endorsing married life there, aren't ya, Hoss?

And yeah, you're so right. My life is all cupcakes and glitter and Pegasus's throwing up four leaf clovers. It's easy like a summer day, yo! I can't possibly understand life's hardships right now!!

Snort. Grumble. Hmmph. 

Whoa, enough of the rant, woman. I thought you were supposed to be telling us why being single is great, not screaming at us.

Okay, you're right, imaginary reader. I stop yelling...for now.

Okay, here we go.

1. I can go 4-5 months without shaving (I'd like to thank Montana Winters/leggings/tights), and there's no one to complain about my lack of follicle maintenance or the fact that my gams look like they belong on a lady sasquatch.

2. Cereal for dinner.

3. Sole ownership of the remote. I can watch four back to back episodes of Buffy, Supernatural, or The Great British Baking Show, and no one whines "Can't we watch something else? The Game is on!" (Lord, can you and I just come to an agreement that the gentleman you have for me won't be rabid sports fan? Please and thank you.)

4. I can hang out with friends at a moments notice.

5. Chips and salsa for dinner.

6. The entire bed to myself. I can lie diagonally, spread eagle, upside down, and sideways if I wanna. IT'S GLORIOUS.

7. The opportunity to focus solely on my relationships with my family and friends.

8. No one wakes me up in the middle of the night asking for a drink of water or a snack or to take them to the bathroom.

9. Laundry day takes me less than two hours, and it's only once a week.

10. No Anna. No Elsa. No Frozen soundtrack on repeat 500 times a day.

11. No Man Colds. Ladies, you know what I mean. 

12. Going to the bathroom in complete solitude.

13. Oatmeal, an apple, and a chunk of cheese for dinner.

14. Coordinating holiday events doesn't yet require the same skill set as a hostage negotiator.

15. Lastly and most importantly being single allows me to be have the freedom to drop everything at a single moment's notice to help whoever and wherever God needs me.

Don't get me wrong. I long for the day when (or if) God brings that certain special guy into my life, but that day isn't today. So why shouldn't I be loving the heck out of the time where He has me right now? 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Love Letter To My Friends


Unfortunately that word gets bandied around too much.

Thanks to Facebook that word can now apply to anyone from your bestie to that person "you met once at your cousin's wedding, they sent you a friend request the next day and you're too nice of a person to deny them the request even though you know you'll never see or talk to them ever again."

This kind of treatment causes the word loses its punch. 

It gets the brush off.

It becomes something closer to what you might call an acquaintance rather than someone more dear.

I don't know about you, but my friends deserve better than the Facebook treatment because they're so much more than that. 

Let you tell you about my beloved ladies.

They are my:

Kindred spirits (I would like to thank my favorite fictional red head, Anne Shirley for this one.)

Sisters from different misters

The world's most precious commodities

Family by choice.

The ones who walk alongside me, and sometimes push me up that hill when I can't climb any longer.

Who I can unashamedly be my awkward self around.

Who aren't afraid to smack me upside the head when I'm being a whiny baby.

Who tell me I'm beautiful even when I truly do look like crap.

With whom I have crazy inside jokes and phrases that make people wonder if we're still sane (Spoilers. We're not).

("Squatch sisters! Wen. You must be spending a lot of time outside. Greasin' the creases.")

We can pull them out whenever the occasion calls for it and nail them every dang time.

We can read each other's most subtle eye roll, eyebrow raise/wiggle, head tilt, or blank stare.

Who can finish my thoughts even before I finish thinking them through.

Who know when keep the chocolate/salt and vinegar chips/kahlua and cream coming.

Who I would defend until MY dying day.

Who like being around me not in spite of but because I'm a giant nerdy weirdo.

Who know when it's time to throw down an 80's power ballad sing along (Answer? Anytime, all the time.) 

We know each others fears, hopes and dreams, and we each do anything in our power to soothe, inspire, and encourage those.

Who know how to make me laugh at the most inappropriate times, and I adore them for it.

Who sometimes know me better than I know myself (Oh sweet heavens, that so cliche,'s true.)

Who spur me on when I lose all drive and ambition.

Who I still can't believe that the Lord blessed me with their friendship.

Here's to those ones

You precious, loved beyond belief soul sisters.

I love you. (And before you protest my cheesiness, because I know at least one of you will, just let me love you and accept my dairy product loving ways.)