Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's in a name...

So you might be saying to yourself "What in the heck is a 'sassy wallflower'?" Well. It's me. It's how I see myself. Yes, it's kind of an oxymoron, but still I think it's the best way to describe who I am. A couple of months ago a dear friend told me that I was an extroverted introvert. It's true! I love being with people, particularly those near and dear to me, but I love being by myself just as much. I can get up in front of a crowd and make a perfect fool of myself during a skit. Put me in an unfamiliar group of people, and I clam up or make conversation with the nearest pet. I can be singing 80's power ballads at the top of my lungs with my girlfriends at Target one day, and the next all I want to do is stay home and watch Doctor Who for hours on end.

I've always been like this. When I was little, I would only talk to family, but with family I was loud and probably obnoxious. A complete "ham" as my aunt called me. As a teenager, I was more comfortable with adults than my peers. Even as an adult I can be completely silly with a group of ladies, but around the opposite sex, I tend to do the "icy, silent, no eye contact thing" because I feel so awkward. Crazy, I know, but that's just me :)

So there you have it the origins of The Sassy Wallflower. Thank you for listening.

See you soon (hopefully with a cooking adventure!),

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