Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 10/31/2013

Artie Shaw - Nightmare
Nina Simone - I Put A Spell On You
Frank Sinatra - Witchcraft
Michael Jackson - Thriller

Well lovelies, it's Halloween, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and next week is Christmas. I kid, but not really. Seriously, once we hit Halloween, it's all down hill from here. Boom. The HOLIDAYS are upon us. Any who so crazy plans are to meet up with Linus and see if the Great Pumpkin shows up this year. I'll be following that wild ride with a possible trip to Halloweentown, or maybe a hot date with Sir Netflix. Guuurrlll, this party NEVAH stops!! Now for thankful time.

1. Starting a new workout challenge that my friend Chelsey made for me!! She designed this one to fit in with my love of baking. I'm excited, though the cookie cutters (squat type exercise) may kill me...

2. A new Five Iron Frenzy album comes out next month! Squeeeeeee!!! It's been 10 YEARS since their last one, and I'm dying to listen to the new one...if only I didn't have to wait until Nov. 26... it will be worth it, though.

3. The book of Proverbs. Just started re-reading this Book, and wowza, is it applicable to what is happening in our world today.

4. Planning for a ladies retreat.

5. A bit of karaoke and dancing in Shopko with two of my dearest friends.

6. Movie nights with my bestie and her family.

7. Allowing myself to eat a s'more... or two.

8. Lunch with my Grandma.

9. New cousins. Hi, Kyle and Makenzy!

10. Shuffling and crunching through a pile of leaves. Nothing will bring you back to being a kid faster than that.

For a special treat (Get it? Cuz it's Halloween? Trick or Treat? Pssshhttt, never mind.) I'll leave you with this pic of the Middle Brother and I back in our Candy Getting days.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thankful Thursday 10/17/2013

1. "Not A Fan" by Kyle Idleman. This book challenges the way we view a relationship with Christ. How we must move from being simply a "fan" of Jesus and commit to being a follower of Him. I highly recommend it.

2. A dinner date with the middle brother. We ate. We laughed. We discussed. We watched music videos. We perused nerdy art. A perfect evening.

3. The cozy smell of wood smoke drifting by on an autumn stroll.

4. Chats with the roomie over mugs of tea.

5. Working on a new project.

6. Text conversations with the youngest brother as we nerd out over a new favorite movie.

(Nathan Fillion as Dogberry is hilarious.)

7. Parking on a golden carpet... I love fall because it makes even the most mundane little parking spot look like something out of Fairy Tale Land.

8. The first spark of excitement for the upcoming holiday season.

9. The thrill of one of my Tumblr posts being reblogged, and the confirmation that I'm not the only nerd girl out there...

10. These pictures from my first color run.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 10/03/2013

1. Psalm 119

2. Crisp, chilly mornings that make me snuggle a bit deeper into my sweater.

3. New episodes of my favorite shows (Once, how I've missed you!) and finding new shows (Sleepy Hollow, I'm looking at you.)

(Tom Mison as Ichabod has nothing to do with it...yeah, we'll go with that...)

4. Walking my first color run on Sunday. I'll let you all know how it went next week.

5. Pumpkin-palooza! That squash is everywhere and in everything right now, and I love it.

6. Getting my seasonal chai fix.

7. Silly cards from my bestie.

8. Even though they follow over a 1,000 people on Instagram, being followed back by Five Iron Frenzy totally made me do "the nerdy fan girl fan hand flail and hop". What?! You've never listened to FIF?! For shame! They're one of my top 5 bands! Here take a listen:

(They satisfy my ska loving heart)

9. The anticipation that the leaves will soon (any day, now!) put on their fall wardrobe.


10. All the support and love that I received from my last blog post. You guys are amazing, not only for cheering me on in my pursuit to get healthier, but also for taking the time to read my humble little blog. My Sassy 'Bots are the BEST. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
