Wednesday, March 26, 2014

F-book Snark aka "How To Offend At Least One Person"

Hello there!
It's been a few weeks since I've posted. I wish I had some fantastic excuse as to why I haven't posted in a while...

So sorry I've been away, dear chums. Tom, yes, the Tom Hiddleston, invited me to his movie premier, and I just couldn't turn the darling boy down! 

Siiiggghh... Oh! Sorry. Got lost in a day dream there...

All right. I've been thinking. Today is a good day for a bit of snark, and my lucky target for the snark machine is... drum roll, please... Facebook!

Oh, Facebook. I have such a like/hate relationship with you. I like you because you give me the chance see pictures of faraway family and friends. You give me another way to connect with people, and you give me an opportunity for a bit of attention to my little blog.

Lately though, Facebook, you annoy me. Which is why for the month of January, I took a semi-sabbatical from you. I can honestly say that I didn't miss you all that much.

So why the Facebook annoyance? Why the snark towards Facebook? Honestly, it's not Facebook the website's fault. The problem is how people use it.

WARNING. From here on out, I'm pretty sure there's a good chance that I'm going to offend someone. I'm truly sorry, but not sorry enough to stop.

1. "2 Million Likes" posts or as I like to call them the "I Miss Being As Popular As I Was In High School" posts. These post may seem innocent, but they're not. You know the ones. The "If We Get 1 Million Likes Our Parents Will Get Us A Puppy." posts.  No. You should get a puppy because your parents think you're responsible enough to take care of a puppy, not if you get enough "likes". What's really going on is your mom and dad are dying for some attention and fame, and are using their darling children to get it. Which is immature and more than a little disturbing, in my opinion.

2. "Share if (fill in the blank)" posts. "Share if you have the best daughter/son/spouse/dog/wallaby/astronaut in the world" aka "I'm too lazy to type something original on their wall, or tell this person/animal/scientist in person so I'm going to slap up this post that 3 billion other people have already used." Phew. Now to backtrack a bit. I don't mind seeing these every once and a while. Telling the world how awesome your loved ones are is great. I love it. I think it's necessary, but what gets me is when these shared posts are the only time I see people expressing their love for their special ones. Look. Chances are you and this special person have a lot of the same friends, and if you write something as simple as "Hey! I love you and just wanted to tell you how bomb diggity bomb you are! Have fantastic day!" on their wall, most of your Facebook peeps are going to see it too. So there, now the world knows. Better yet, tell them in person, call them, or set up a Skype date. Trust me, this will be way more special to them. Don't let the ease of a sharing a post rob you of the joy of sharing your feelings in a more personal way.

3. Family/friends feuds on Facebook. Three words for this kind of activity. Tacky, unnecessary, and unbearably stupid (I guess that's four.). I have witnessed grown parents arguing with their grown children on this site. Really?! Really?! Grow. Up. If you have a problem with someone, don't you dare spread it on any kind of social media. There is no excuse for that type of behavior. I do not care what the issue is. I don't care if you're 15 or 85. You man/woman up and call or talk face to face to that person personally. If you're the someone that person is verbally vomiting about on Facebook, do not respond to it. Message them, ask them to work it out one on one, and tell them that you will not get into this issue with them on here. There is no need to drag the whole world into it. Also, there is no quicker way to get me to un-friend you than engaging in this kind of crap. Yeesh. Now I'm all sorts of fired up...

Okay, I better stop here. I'm sure I've trampled on more than a few toes, and should cease before I elephant stomp over more.

So, am I done with Facebook? Nooo...not yet. I am trying to spend less time on it. I spend way too much time online as it is, and right now, it's an easy activity to cut back on.

P.S. If I have truly offended you with this post, please let me know. I know that Facebook is very important to a lot of people, and my intent is not to hurt, shame, or make you feel guilty about what you do on your personal page. This was just silly me voicing some silly irritations.