I'm only addressing you guys on this one.
Guys. It's only the first day after the election, and I'm already sick to my stomach with some of the things I've seen posted on social media.
Look, I get it. The guy you voted for won, and you want to celebrate. I understand that, and it's fine.
The gloating, the sneering, the hatred, the bigotry and the sheer ugliness I've seen from fellow believers, and from people I personally know is disgusting. It makes me want to delete every social media platform I'm on.
And before I go any further, and someone accuses me of being a Clinton supporter, I did not vote for Hillary Clinton. I also did not vote for Donald Trump. Yes, I'm one of those despised third party voters, and let me to tell you, the vitriol being spewed at voters like me rivals the hate that the Liberal Left and the Conservative Right are currently throwing at each other. It has been quite the learning experience. Hooooo buddy, let me tell you what.
All right, now that we have that cleared that up
All I want to do is smack these people upside the head, and scream "Really?! REALLY?! This is how you behave? You say you're a believer, and this is you showing the love of Christ to others. Grow. UP."
You mock the people who say about Trump "He's not my president!", but you have the same exact phrase about President Obama plastered on your truck's bumper.
You say, "We need to fix this divide in our country!" with one breath, and then post gloating hatred on your Facebook wall with the other.
I can already hear the whining "But the liberals do it all the time about us."
"But I have freedom of speech! I have that right! I can say whatever I want! It's a free country!"
Again you're right. We are blessed enough to live in a country where we can voice our opinions, but we who claim to be Christians answer to a much Higher Authority, and He calls us to:
- Turn the other cheek even when others are hurting us. (Luke 6:29)
- Be kind others because He was kind to us, and if we are not, He will cut us off. (Romans 11:22)
- Speak kindly to those who talk bad about us. (1 Corinthians 4:13)
- Live quiet, peaceful lives with our neighbors. (1 Timothy 2:2)
- Love each other. (Matthew 19:19)
- Have love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22)
- Forgive tirelessly. (Luke 17:4)
Friends, I know it's hard, but we must do it. We commanded by Christ to do it. We cry for unity, but if it doesn't start with us, the children of God, who will it start with?
Do you really want to be the "Ugly Christian" that the world too often sees, and hates?
Is posting a meme about the warrior Trump cutting the head off of Medusa Clinton really worth ruining your testimony to others?
We are to be light and hope to a dying world, and yet some of us are mocking the people who are honestly scared for their lives right now.
I think one of my favorite rappers said best it on his Twitter today:
"I would NEVER be mad at how someone votes. Whoever our country elects is MY president. I will honor them. But don't gloat. Empathy...please." - Heath McNease
Don't do it, guys. Don't give into it. Please. I'm begging you. I'm pleading with you to be the bigger person, and don't give into all this hatred, bigotry, and gloating.
If you do, you're no better than the Prius driving liberal who claims that all Christians are a bunch ignorant hypocrites.