Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 02/28/13

Music: Mad World - Tears For Fears
          All To You - Bleach
          Daylight - Brave Saint Saturn

Holy smokes, I'm actually being consistent with a post. It's a miracle! That's something to be thankful for right there! Okay, let's jump right into this bad boy...or should I say good boy? Hmmm...

1. I'm thankful that the Lord holds my tongue against my own wishes sometimes. I had a very ugly run in on the phone the other day with a man, and thankfully I did not stoop down to his level of rudeness. Although, I did vent about it to a few dear friends, I didn't tell him what I thought of him even though he certainly told me what he thought of me. It wasn't pretty, but thank you, Lord for dousing the fire of my tongue with Your water.

2. My bestie, Amber. Sweet Moses, I love that girl. I seriously did not know what it meant to have a best friend until I met her six years ago. We're so similar that I'm pretty sure it freaks out our mothers. We've been told that we have our own language. (We do. It's called Amamberese.) We know what the other is thinking with a look. We've shared each others' burdens through sickness, loved ones deaths, heartaches, and frustrations. We can carry on complete conversations consisting of only movie and TV quotes. "Carnations?!" "Do you dance with all your friends moms?" "I really am ruggedly handsome!" "You've lost your muchness!" "Captain Tightpants." We share a mutual love and adoration of this man:

(The dimples, the smile, the eye crinkles...I swoon...)
I've cried on her shoulder, and dripped snot all over it. A lot of people will let you cry on their shoulder, but drip snot on it? Only a bestie will put up with your boogies.We have a standing Saturday night coffee date where we talk, laugh and carry on (much to the annoyance of our fellow coffee shop addicts, I'm sure). Thanks to her I've gained a sister, a big brother (her hubs, Matt), two nieces and a nephew. Amber is one of my biggest blessings and greatest joys. She's my comrade in arms, partner in crime, and dearest friend.

(Cheesy grins. No charge.)

3. Nutella. Oh, you divine, chocolately, European spread. I love you on toast. I love you on Oreos. I love you on brownies. I love you by the spoonful right out of the jar. 

I'm still not sure if I like the title Thankful Thursday. It seems a bit corny to me. Any suggestions out there? Any thankful thoughts to share? Feel free to comment.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 02/21/13

In order to temper the snark a bit, I'm going to try to start a regular feature I like to call "Thankful Thursdays" (oh so witty, I know!). Too many times I find myself going days without giving the Lord a big thank you for all the things He's done for me. Instead I'm always going to Him with my problems. Then when He does answer a prayer, I just give Him a flippant "Thanks, God.", and go on my merry way. Obviously, this is not the right heart attitude to have. It's kinda like that one friend we all have that always seems to be complaining.  They're a Debbie Downer or a Negative Ned. This person never has a positive thing to say, and is basically the equivalent of biting into a mealy, soggy apple.  You all know what that's like....not enjoyable, kinda gross, and just plain "blech". Just as hard as it is for us to be around this person, I think it's kinda the same with God. He doesn't appreciate a soggy apple any more than we do. Thankfully, His patience with us is infinite, and He never throws His soggy apples away. Thank heavens!

So all this intro to say I'm going to try my darndest to have a more thankful heart, and I think this feature will help me quite a bit. My "thankful for's" may be serious, cheesy, silly, sweet, or most likely some combination of all of those. So. Here we go!

1. My Lord's patience. I know I try it daily, hourly, minute by minute, and even second by second sometimes. Thank You, Lord for never leaving my side, or giving up on me.

2. My two cousins named Jennifer. You're both completely different, but I love both of you so dearly.

    Jennifer (Jen) M.: You're the one I grew up with. We share so many fun memories. Sleepovers at Grandma's where we though it was the COOLEST thing ever that she let us sleep on those folding lawn chairs. Giant pancakes and bug juice. Helping Grandma at her job. Our crazy family camping trip (we so need to do another one!) Singing with our moms to scare the bears away on our way to the outhouse. Grandma's and your dad's earth shattering snoring, and the insomnia is caused in all the other family members. Winning push-up pops from your mom when we got the Wheel of Fortune words right. Laughing at our dads' and uncles shenanigans. Your sweet and generous spirit never ceases to amaze me, and I love seeing how much you love your beautiful baby girls and your hubby.
(Oh, the 80's)
Jennifer (Jenni) K.: Even though, we didn't get to spend much time growing up together because over 1,000 miles separated us, we still have some great memories. Listening to Boys II Men on repeat during the infamous '92 family reunion. Yelling at a pair of certain younger male family members. Hot roller curls. Comparing My Little Pony collections. Nannie's Swedish Pancakes and Waldorf Salad. I'm so grateful that now that we're adults we've been able to grow closer than when we were kids (thank you, cheap plane tickets!) I love your fiercely loyal nature especially when it come to your family. I've always said if anyone tried to pull anything with me, my cousin Jenni would probably literally rip them apart. I also love that you're a fun loving goofball, and the way you and your Penguin ;) have so much fun together. I'm so excited that you're going to be a Mommy and can't wait to meet that little munchkin!
(The hair, the socks, the glasses, the flannel pajamas...I don't even know where to start...)

3. Pinterest. I just love you and all the many joys you bring me. Yes, it's probably shallow, and yes, even if all my friends are sick of me saying "Oh my word, I saw this (insert item, meme, recipe, or project here) on Pinterest! It was so great!". I still love you and am thankful for you, you wonderful time waster, you.

As always, I love to hear from my readers. What makes you thankful today?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Random Outbursts with Amanda

Music: Cold As Ice- Foreigner
           Heart Beats- Johnnyswim

Okay, so I have a quirky sense of humor, a mildly snarky view of life in general (shocker!), and I looooove people watching. When all these combine, I can't help sharing my observations. Usually it's my nearest and dearest that bear the brunt of these observations...poor souls... Now that I have a blog, I get to share them with my lucky readers. All two of you...Hi, Mom! Hi, roomie!

1. What is with all the Amish themed romance novels in the market?! I was looking through a book catalog recently, and there was page after page after page of Amish novels. I get the whole appeal of being self sufficient and living a simpler life, but really... Amish romance novels?! Didn't realize that they had the market cornered on being romantic. "Oh Rebecka, that white mesh strainer bonnet of yours really lights my propane powered generator. Mmmm, and this hand strained cottage cheese is absolutely wonderful." "Why thank you, Jedediah. I can't wait until we're married so you can start growing your beard. Sigh, those no mustache beards are just so manly. Oh, and the way you handle that horse drawn plow just makes my homemade butter melt." I don't even know...

2. People calling their significant other "babe". If this is your preferred term of endearment, good on ya, mate. It's not for me. To me, it just sounds, blah, and unoriginal. Even the popular "honey, sweetie, and sweetheart" are better options. When I hear someone call their loved one "babe" I immediately think of some washed up, bleached blonde, wanna be 80's surfer dude. "Hey, babe. Babe, can you get me a beer, babe? Those spandex jeans look hot, babe. Babe, can I use your Aqua Net? Babe, I'm going to get my board waxed..." Seriously! The English language is so original! How about we use it?

3. On the topic of using terms of endearments, if I've just met you, or only interact with you on a professional basis (and you're under the age of 70), please do not, I repeat, do not call me "sweetie, honey, or the dreaded babe (shudder)". I don't know you. You don't know me. We're not related, or friends. No need for the sweet talking.

Okay, better stop before I offend more people. I know I've already ticked off some.

Talk to you again soon,

Saturday, February 2, 2013

White Chocolate Raspberry Scones

Music: Selah - Heath McNease
           Lover of the Light - Mumford and Sons
           Easy Living - Billie Holiday

Yaaaayyyyy!!!!! As promised a foodie post! I've been eyeballing this recipe for quite some time on my Pinterest Bread board, and decided to finally make it this morning. I found the original recipe over at Bake Me Something Good. It did not disappoint! Guys, these are what scones are supposed to be like. Crispy, crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside. Add in the tart, bright bursts of raspberries accented with the creamy, mellow bits of white chocolate....mmmmm, happy Manda..... The only thing that makes these puppies better is big cup of coffee ;)

I did modify the recipe a bit. I upped the white chocolate chips and raspberries to a half a cup each because well, I wanted too. I used frozen raspberries instead of fresh (they came from my parent's raspberry patch so that's pretty much as good as fresh, right?). I didn't thaw berries first because if I had they would been more like jam, and I wanted whole berries. I also dropped the scone batter instead of forming the traditional round then cutting it into wedges.

After I baked the scones, I made a simple powdered sugar glaze and drizzled it over the still warm scones...You're welcome.

Happy Saturday all!