Monday, March 25, 2013

Random Outbursts 03/25/13

Music: As I'm Leaving - David Gray

I was told over the weekend by one of the brothers who shall remain nameless (but his name rhymes with Ick) that I'm getting mushy in my old age. Thanks, bro. So to compensate, I bring you a little snark.
WARNING: If there are any guys reading this, you will not understand my first item. You just won't. Trust me.

1. Underwires. AAAAAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!! Girls, am I right?! I had two go this weekend on two separate bras...TWO!! I'm all like what do you guys conspire in my top dresser drawer? Does Bra One say to Bra Two, "You know what would be like sooo much fun?" Bra Two: "What?!" Bra One: "You have one of your underwires burst forth from it's casing and poke Manda in the side all day long. Then the next day, I'll have one of mine snap in half while she's out in public!" Bra Two: "O.M.Y. (Oh My Yes) Let's totes do it! She'll be furious! So fun!" Both Bras: "MUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!(evil maniacal laughter)"Yes, I realize that my underwear can't talk, but just go with the madness...mmmkay... Seriously, ladies! There's nothing worse than bra shopping. I hate it more than jean shopping, and that's saying a lot. Yeesh.

2. Montanan Spring. Spring in the MT should just be called "Sprinter" (spring/winter) because one minute the sun is shining. There's a soft fragrant breeze tickling the ends of your hair, and you're thinking that maybe, just maybe you can put away the old wool pea coat when all of a sudden BAM. Blizzard complete with horizontal snow and hurricane gale force winds strong enough to blow over trees. Just lovely.

Okay. Rant over. Thanks for indulging me.



  1. You showed that brother whose name rhymes with Ick! Love the snarkiness. And, I totally think underwear can talk...

  2. Thank you and yay, someone to share in the craziness!
