The SUN is shining!!!! For those of you who don't live in Northwest Montana, you may be saying "So. What. Boring." Well, for your information, a bright sunny day in April up here is about as rare as a purple polka dotted rhino. So this is pretty dang exciting! All my NW MT peeps, em' I right? Holla!
Ooookaaay, enough of trying (and failing spectacularly) to sound hip...let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming.
1. My mountains. I don't climb them. I don't bike them. I don't even really hike them, but I love them all the same. I've lived my whole life next to this portion of the Rockies, so to me they're a symbol of home. Seeing them on the horizon after I've been away on a trip is almost a relief. Kind of like crawling under your favorite blanket after a rough day. That's what my mountains are to me.
(How could you not love them?)
2. Crystal. My Chiquita Bonita (for more info why I call her this shoot me a comment). I've been blessed to call her my friend for almost fifteen years. We were roommates for three years...until some boy came by, swept her off her feet and made her his bride...pssshhhttt, boys...Hi, Justin! We've gone on mission trips together. Endured the heat of the Gorge Ampitheater to see numerous Creation festivals. We've done Harry Potter and Disney cartoon marathons (yes, we're still 12 years old at heart). We've laughed and cried...sometimes both at the same time.We have almost completely opposite personalities (she was a cheerleader in high school, and I was and always will be a nerd), but it works for us. She can always cheer me up when I'm feeling blah, and I hope that I can do the same for her. I love ya, Crystal!
(Miss Gorgeous Perma-tan and Miss Wonder Bread)
3. BBC period dramas. I LOOOOOVE them. Pride and Prejudice, Emma, North and South, Persuasion, Jane Eyre, Cranford, Sense and Sensibility, Wives and Daughters. The empire waist dresses, the grand estates, the rain and mist, the sweeping vistas, the repressed emotions, the brooding heroes, and spirited heroines...siiiiggghhh...
Oh you'll be hiking those mountains this summer!!! :D WOOT!
ReplyDeleteVery, very sloooooowly... ;)