Thursday, September 5, 2013

Thankful Thursdays 09/05/2013

September is here, folks! Yay for fall!! I'm so ready for it. The sweaters, the boots, the scarves (I have a serious scarf fetish...), the pumpkins, the fall foliage, the crisp mornings, the hazy evenings, and the baking...oh, the baking! I love it so much that I've already decorated the apartment for it ( no judgey judging, mmm-kay?), and yes, I made my roomie roll her eyes and laugh at me over this. She still loves me, though. ;)
Okay, enough of this fallishness (Get it?! Fallishness instead of foolishness? Oh, the wittiness abounds!). Let's get back on track.

1. Morning rain showers. I know some with disagree with me, but I adore rainstorms. I love cloudy, cool days waaaay more then hot, sunshine-y ones. Why? Because they give a girl an excuse to curl up on the couch with a book, a cup of coffee, or an old musical. Sigh, that's my idea of the perfect way to while away a few hours...

2. Classic car shows. I know. I know. Me? A fan of car shows? What?! I do really enjoy them. Why? Well, my Dad is an upholsterer, and he worked on a number of classic cars while we were growing up. So naturally, I developed an appreciation for them. Also, I'm somewhat of a history nerd, and I especially love the 1920's-1970's. This 50+ years span is where most classic cars fall into so there you go. Plus, they're so pretty, what with the vibrant colors of paint and shiny chrome finishes (What. I'm a girl. Of course, I'm going to say a car is pretty.)!

3. Re-reading a favorite series of books, and still loving them as much as I did the first read through.

Happy Thursday, all! Thanks for stopping by.

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