Well, dear reader, thanks for returning. Hopefully, I didn't scare too many off with my confessions. As promised, I'll be sharing about what I admire in a man. First though, a little more on my previous encounters.
You may have noticed that two out of the three examples, I was approached by family members not the man himself, and this has happened several other times. Some well meaning mama comes up to me (or up to my own dear mama), and states "You should meet my son! You two would be so great together! Next time he's in town I want you to meet him." Then I do meet the much talked about fellow, and...nothing. Oh, usually they're perfectly nice and very pleasant, but that's it. No spark, not even a puff of smoke. So after all these meet and greets, I've come to this conclusion. For some reason, I seem to be the kind of girl that parents want for their sons, but the sons don't want for themselves. Sigh, oh well.
Before I launch into my list of what makes a man a Manda Man (hey, that's kinda catchy!), let me just say I know I'm not perfect. I'm very aware of my faults. I can be very stubborn. I'm overweight. I can be very opinionated. I'm just okay in the looks department. Nothing to write home about. My taste in movies is extremely random. Same for my taste in music. I can be insecure around men (especially single, attractive men) outside of the men in my family. I can sometimes hide it well, but not always. If I can't hide it then I'll usually have one of three reactions around them. First, I'll talk a lot, laugh too loud and much, and use movie quotes and silly voices. Second, I won't say much of anything, but I'll smile politely and frequently (all the while, I'll have an internal voice telling me to say something, anything, even if it's just to ask them how their day was.). Third, I'll adopt the Ice Queen act. I won't say much of anything either, but instead of smiling, I avoid eye contact, stare off into the distance, and occasionally pretend that I have a very important text to check. I can be a homebody. I'm not super adventurous when it come to the outdoors. On and on I could go, but I'll spare you. Now to my list. Here we go.
1. He must be a follower of Jesus Christ, and must love Him more than me.
2. He must be willing to be the spiritual leader in our home.
3. He needs to be able to make me laugh.
4. He needs to put up with (or even better like/love) Doctor Who, Firefly, and BBC dramas, and love me in spite of my geeky, nerdy, fangirl ways.
5. Picky eaters had better learn not to be.
6. He needs to respect his parents even if they don't have the best relationship.
7. My dad, mom, and brothers must like him.
8. Chocolate brown eyes are a bonus, but not a must. (Benedict Cumberbatch aquamarine eyes are a wonderful alternative.)
9. Tattoos are fine. Just don't expect me to get any. I'm too indecisive.
10. Be able to join in on movie-quote-athons.
11. Be willing to head boop with kittens.
12. Be willing to go to concerts and plays.
13. He needs to be someone who will never ever abuse another human being. Any kind of abuse. I have NO tolerance for a man who thinks that kind of behavior is okay or justifiable.
14. Love home baked goods.
15. He needs to be a manly man of God. No pasty, soft church boys. (I do appreciate a nice dresser, though. You can be manly and still dress nice.)
16. A man who will protect and stand up for me and any future children we may have.
17. Have a desire to do short term missions.
18. Be okay with
never being called "babe", but instead being called numerous other, sometimes silly, pet names. No baby talking either...blech...we're both adults here.
19. Preferably a non-smoker/tobacco chewer.
20. Big, strong hands are a bonus...(Was that too far? Probably...Yeah, that was too far.)
I know it's a pretty exhaustive list, and some of the items are silly. I'm a goofball so what do you expect. As I said in the last post, some people may tell me to stop being so picky, but when it comes down to it, I don't want to be. I would rather be picky and single then un-picky and settle for some guy just because I'm tired of being alone. Not only would that be unfair to who Christ created me to be, but it would be just as unfair to that guy. How awful would that be to know that someone "settled" for them? It would be a sure fire recipe for disaster and most likely end in divorce. Not cool, and not for me.
I'll end with this. I wrote most of this yesterday evening, and was feeling kinda sorry for myself. Well, wouldn't you know it today as I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed I came across this quote from Lecrae, "Be patient. Being single is better than being in the wrong relationship." Whaaaaaaaa?! Talk about confirmation, Lord! Seriously, it brought such a smile to my face. Here I was wallowing in self pity and woe is me-isms, and God sends a brother in Christ rapper to write on his Facebook page the very thing that I needed to read to boot me out of my pity party. How amazing is that?! I actually thought about not posting this entry, but I thought no, maybe someone reading this is feeling the same and this post and it's ending will be as uplifting to them as it was to me.
Thanks for reading, and thank you letting me vent to you all.